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Volunteer with Orpheus

Orpheus Musical Theatre is a not-for-profit charity organization, and as such, relies heavily on the time and commitment generously donated by its members. If you are interested in volunteering, please send us an e-mail.

David Lurie

Recruitment Director

David Lurie

Join a Committee
Join a Production Team

Join a Committee

Orpheus relies on committees to keep its operations running smoothly. If you are interested in being a part of one of the committees below, or would like more information, please contact our recruitment director.

With every opportunity, Orpheus strongly encourages individuals from equity-seeking communities and intersecting identities to submit, including Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, LGBTQIA+, Two-Spirit, and people with disabilities. Orpheus is committed to providing our teams with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment and fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace. Please advise us of any accommodation measures required which would enable you to apply for these positions.


Archives Committee

The Archives Committee maintains a record of the history, shows and activities of the Orpheus Musical Theatre Society.

Budget and Finance Committee

The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for assisting the Treasurer in dealing with all financial matters for the Society.

Bylaw Committee

The Bylaw Committee is responsible for proposing specific word changes to the Bylaws, and reasoning for such change, upon request from the Board for notification to the membership.

Learning and Special Events Committee

The Learning and Special Events Committee provides learning opportunities to the membership and Greater Ottawa Community that contributes to Orpheus Musical Theatre’s sustainability by ensuring the highest quality product and, doing everything feasible to enhance volunteer capacity and their experience.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible preparing a slate of proposed directors to be presented to members at AGM, ensuring that at least one Orpheus member is willing to stand for each Board position to be elected in that year.

Production Personnel Committee

The Production Personnel Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board regarding candidates for honoraria production positions.

Show Selection Committee

The Show Selection Committee is responsible for choosing the four shows that make up the Orpheus season.

Volunteer and Membership Committee

The Volunteer and Membership Committee looks after issues regarding members and volunteers.


Interested in being a Designer or Department Head for a 2024 - 2025 Season Show?

Sign Up Here to Receive the Notice and Call for Applications


Site Volunteers

The following volunteers have assisted in various capacities in data collection and data entry for this web site. 

Andrea Kinsley, Jim Robertson, John McGovern, John Solman, Michael Schilder, Marlene Hudson, Monique Ecroyd, Paul Matthew

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