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1965 - 1966


Fiorello H. LaGuardia was not only the best mayor New York has seen but was also the greatest actor who ever occupied the municipal stage.  The public quickly bestowed stage names on the five-foot-four, bulky little performer.  He was affectionately knowns as "The Little Flower", "Butch", and "The Hat", the latter because of the large black hat he invariably wore while rushing to fires, campaigning all day and night or hurrying to look into difficulties or scandals.

Long before he opened on the City Hall stage as Mayor of New York at noon on January 1, 1934, Fiorello H. LaGuardia was acting in Washington and New York, as well as performing superb public service.  When he was President of the Board of Aldermen from 1919-1921, the newspapers covered his conflicts wit Comptroller Charles L. Craig as if they were first nights or prize fights.  The State Legislature got so mad at that time that it raised every alderman's salary except his.  He appeared next day in his Army khaki shirt, announcing that he had to save laundry bills, and urging all veterans to get out their Army shirts to dramatize the high cost of living.

Research indicates that much more than the outline of Fiorello! is authentic.  Marie and Thea were real. Morris is real.  Neil lived to write a book about it.  The Shirtwaist Strike happened, and LaGuardia's opponents did drop a baby carriage full of paving bricks on him.

LaGuardia enjoyed practical jokes. On one occasion when his doctor ordered the Mayor to go to a hospital for X-rays, the attendant after he had taken the pictures noticed the Mayor fumbling wiht something behind his back.  "What's that?" he asked and discovered that the Mayor had put his house key between his kidneys and the plate so that the doctor would think he had swallowed a key.

LaGuardia loved fires.  He followed the reels in his own red chief's helmet, and there was no way to prevent the Mayor from directing operations when he got there.

LaGuardia was the first Congressman and Mayor to make extensive use of radio. His broadcasts were intimate and never dull.  Perhaps the most famous performance he gave were his weekly readings of the comics to the children during the newspaper strike of 1945.

Dramatic Director: Stan White

Musical Director: Berthold Carrière

Choreographer: Richard Jones


Audrey Canty


Barry Stewart

Political Hack

Bob Munson

Lopez, Commissioner, Bully

Bruce Scharf


Carol Rogers


Charles Nicholson


Claire Simard


Con Sheehan


Craig Davidson

Strike-Breaker, Reporter

David Hayes

Political Hack

Don Shaw


Donna Kilmer

Bella, Dancer

Dorothy Krikorian


Earle Smythe

Seedy Man, Judge Carter

Appearing through the Courtesy of Actor's Equity Association

Ed Kyle

Heckler, Bully, Dancer

Frank Hrbolich

Political Hack

Freda Carlofsky

Mrs. Pomerantz

Ginny Day


Glen Kealey

Political Hack

Janice Crowe


Jean Wheeler

Mrs. Derby

Jim Terrell


Appearing through the Courtesy of Actor's Equity Association

Judy Grayston


Linda Berry


Marcel Carrière


Margaret Owens


Marylin Day


Nat Clavier

Mr. Zappatella

Nick Michelis

Political Hack

Peter Lawrence

Frankie Scarpini

Pierre Landry


Rick Braden

Strike-Breaker, Politician

Robert B.Pentland


Roushell Goldstein


Sally Murphy


Sally Weltman


Sylvia Carter


Tom Dunleavy



Daisy May Checkley

Curtain Executed By, Ladies' Auxiliary

Dennis Pike

Set Designer, Show Curtain, Special Effects

Elizabeth Knight

Business and Program Manager

Faye Lavell

Ticket Manager

Florence McCaffrey

Hair Stylist

Gerald E. Browsky

House Manager

Gordon Cooper


Jim Marshall


John Amyot

Stage Manager

John Willard

Costumes Designer

Ken Meyer

Public Relations

Lorna Rice


Margaret Mahony


Murray Smith

Assistant Stage Manager

Nan Nicholson

Production Chairman

Nancy Turner

Lighting Director

Norma Coll

Costumes Executed by

Percy Scobie


Stan White

Sets and Show Curtain

Sybil Cooke

Assistant to Mr. White

Wayne Blatchly

Properties Chairman

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