1951 - 1952
The Vagabond King
The Vagabond King is concerned with the amours and adventures of the 15th Century outlaw Francois Villon during the reign of King Louis XI. In this attractively mounted, picaresque tale, the poet-vagabond is appointed King of France for a day (it was a week in the original story) in order to save both his neck and Paris by leading his rabble of low degree against the Duke of Burgundy's forces. As a fitting capper to his successful endeavors, Villon even wins the hand of the aristocratic Katherine de Vaucelles.
Producer and Director: Joseph E. Webb
Musical Director: H. Bramwell Bailey
Choreography: Nesta Toumine
Agnes Bourassa
Aileen Ryan
Dermot Sladen
Thibaut D'Aussigny
Donald C. Mason
King Louis XI
Dorine Black
Lady Mary
Eileen Mahoney
Katherine De Vaucelles
Frank Halpin
Toison D'Or
George Montgomery
Guy Tabarie
George W. Wetzstein
Captain of Scotch Archers
Gerald Waterman
Noel De Jolys
Ivan Mitchell
Oliver Le Dain
J.H.W. Currie
Jehan Le Loup, Ensemble
Jack Zoubie
The Hangman
John Gilmartin
Tristan L'Hermite
John H. Fish
Francois Villon
Marguerite Ouimet
The Queen
Marilyn Arthur
Mary Allen
Mother Margot
Mary Barrette
Maurice Anka
Rene de Montigny
Mrs. Gordon Stranks
Hughette Du Hamel
Ted Hothersall
William Wright
Casin Cholet, An Astrologer