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At Orpheus Musical Theatre, we are committed to protecting the Health & Safety of all members, volunteers, employees, external contractors, and guests who enter our premises. To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Orpheus will act in accordance with all Federal, Provincial, and Municipal orders, and will respect the advice of Public Health. All who wish to enter our facilities must abide by the following:


  • All access is to be previously scheduled with the General Manager at to ensure capacity limits are adhered to, and to limit the risk of interactions;

  • Upon entry, sanitize hands and complete the screening questionnaire honestly, noting all contact information;

  • Unless actively drinking or eating while seated, wear a mask over the nose and under the chin;

  • Follow the posted signage indicating traffic flow through the premises;

  • Respect the posted capacity limits of each room;

  • Maintain a distance of two metres between other individuals, unless physical activity requires closer proximity. Increase distance to three metres when required by zone restrictions, as noted below;

  • Seated gatherings/meetings must follow the limits noted below;

  • Regularly wash and sanitize hands;

  • Clean and disinfect work space after use. Each department is provided with disinfectant and sanitizing solution, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. Clean and sanitize all surfaces, and wipe high contact surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and access controls;

  • All dishes are to be cleaned and returned to storage by their user, or placed directly in the dishwasher;

  • Alcohol may only be consumed in Rice Hall and while seated. Service and consumption must end at the noted times according to the zone restrictions below. Seated gatherings must follow the limits noted below;

  • The facilities must close, and premises be cleared at the noted times according to the zone restrictions below.


As is the nature of volunteer work at Orpheus, an employee will not always be present to regulate these measures. We place great trust in our members and volunteers to act according to the above, and in accordance with any additional Public Health measures. Violations will result in one losing access. Above and beyond, we encourage all to stay home as much as possible, and when feeling ill, to contact their health provider or TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.


Thank You for your commitment to keeping our community safe and healthy!

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