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The reviews are in

Orpheus' Rock of Ages will have you rockin' in your seats

The reviews are in and Rock of Ages is a hit with critics and audiences alike. Here are some excerpts:

From Covert Ottawa Guy

"Orpheus is known for their elaborate stage design, high-end costumes and the technical aspects of their show. “Rock of Ages” was no exception, and I have to say that it’s one of my favourite of the Orpheus shows that I’ve seen."

"I experienced one of my favourite Orpheus performances of all time in Brennan Richardson’s portrayal of Lonny Barnett. Richardson was SO funny, SO charismatic, SO entertaining, that he had the audience laughing from start to finish. He brought so much life and energy to the stage."

"Connor McMahon was stellar in the role of Drew Boley. Despite being quite young, McMahon performs like a seasoned professional, and really shone as the likeable Drew."

"Christa Cullain was very strong in the role of Regina Koontz. She is another scene-stealer, commanding the attention of the audience when she is on the stage, and she truly embodies the concept of the “triple threat”: singing, dancing, and acting her way into the audience’s hearts"

From Apt. 613

"Dust off your shoulder pads, tease your hair as high as it will go and get ready to travel back to the ‘80s at Meridian Theatre. Rock of Ages has landed and you’re in for a hilarious treat."

"The cast was excellent, the staging was innovative and really set the scene well, and the costumes were stellar...If you’re a fan of the movie, or a fan of this era of hair bands, or just want a trip down memory lane, Rock of Ages is well worth it. You’ll leave tapping your foot, banging your head and grinning from ear to ear. Read the full review From Broadway World "The choreography (Andy Allen-McCarthy) was superbly executed. The ensemble numbers were tight and a pleasure to watch. Taeyun Moon (Ensemble) and Katie Shapiro (Waitress #1, Ensemble) gave particularly strong performances." "The show is lots of fun and jam-packed full of songs that most people know and can sing along to. The audience clearly loved it; clapping in time to the music and laughing out loud at many of Lonny's antics...Rock of Ages is recommended for anyone nostalgic for 80s rock music and a fun storyline. This show would also make a fantastic date night." Read the full review


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